Apr 27, 2014

Game ON!

The FC Twin 'Famiclone' plays both NES and Super Nintendo games. You don't even have to blow in the cartridges over and over to get them working. As long as a steady stream of Nintendo games stream through the Junk Store, you'll likely never hear from me again.

Apr 9, 2014

Nunchukas, Suckas

Unruly customers are about to feel the wrath of the numb-chucks, yo!
Collapsible heavy steel nunchukas complete with quick-draw belt holster. Time to crack some skulls... most likely my own.

Maybe I should get a little practice in first with this handy-dandy instructional chart:

Apr 4, 2014


A couple new Spirograph and Spirographesque items for you Junk Pirate loyalist.
We have the generic Hypotrochoid Art Set, Spirograph Plus, Spirograph Keychain, and Kenner's New SpiroTot!

Apr 1, 2014

This Thing

The Jammer and I have worked together sorting junk for well over a decade. We've seen countless coworkers, bosses, and regular customers come and go. We've relocated the Junk Store to a new location, helped launch new Junk programs, seen other collapse, and have witnessed the rebirth of the Heap several thousand times. Change alone is unchanging. That and this thing...

I don't know what this thing is. I don't know what  it is supposed to be. I don't know who made it, why they made it, and when it was donated to the Junk Store. All I know is that through thick and thin, purges and clear-outs, OSHA inspections and rodent infestations, this thing is still hanging on the sorting room wall.