Feb 10, 2017

Tales From the Junk Store

Junk Pirate...
Collections of collections, objects of interest, other people's photos, and other tales from the Junk Store.

Junk Pirate lives on forever.

Thanks for checking out the classic Tales From the Junk Store blog. Obviously I'm not updating anymore. But there is still plenty of tasty treasure from the Heap for you to contemplate.
The new Tales From the Junk Store blog is on the new Junk Pirate website, along with piles of artwork, images from the Junk Pirate III exhibition, and other tasty morsels.
And, as has been the case for the past 5 years and continuing on into the bleak, hopeless future, there is the Junk Pirate Instagram account.

So do yourself a favor and go poke around junkpirate.com. You just might enjoy yourself.

Thank you for not actively wishing me harm.

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