Jan 20, 2012

2-XL: the 8-track Robot

Nice try, Steve Jobs, but here is something your fancy iPod Touch can't do...

...Be a large plastic robot that plays 8-track cassettes tapes, and whose eye light up in rhythm to the music.

If, like me, you want to know all about 2-XL (for instance, is he double-extra large?), this video will explain everything:

"Adult can't resist him."   ...Playboy

For about a week in 2009, 2-XL was on Twitter.


Anonymous said...

Oddly enough, I don't remember this, and I'm pretty sure I'm old enough!

If only my iPad had a personality and eyes that flashed in time to my iTunes!

...I really dig the George Carlin tape that he came with; what was on it?

Junk Pirate said...

I think the George Carlin tape was Occupation: Foole from 1973. A classic record made even druggier when it is being performed by a robot.